It was her first time trying on the hijab. Her palms sweated as her stomach churned. She loosely wrapped the clothing of fabric around her head, tilted her neck as she glared into the mirror one more time before stepping out. This was day one of entering out into the world in a hijab.

She wasn't really all that knowledgeable about the religious head covering or the Islamic clothing and guidelines that followed it, all she knew was that she wanted to take that one step towards God. That one step towards her Creator. And in her heart, this was one of the biggest battles and journeys she would ever embark on.

As soon as she was excited, as soon as she posted a picture announcing her new journey, as soon as she stepped out into the public domain with millions of other 'hijabis' surrounding her, comments about how improper her hijab was started flooding her ears. Jokes and subtle jabs about her choice of clothing started weighing heavy on her spirit. Harsh judgement that elicited comments like 'what's the point of wearing a hijab' or 'you might as well take it off' penetrated themselves into her heart. And all of a sudden, this beautiful journey to God stopped seeming so beautiful. All of a sudden, this journey was no longer about Him now, but them.

 "All of a sudden, this journey was no longer about Him now, but them."

 This narrative is one that resonates with many of us Muslim women. On a day-to-day basis, at least one of us either in person, but more frequently online, hear people throw around the comment "that's not hijab." Okay, granted Islam outlines what constitutes as a hijab in the Quran. But many of us are not perfect whatsoever. And many of us, due to our own individual level of faith or circumstances, simply try our best to observe the hijab. And sometimes, that doesn't fit yours, his, or the online troll's description of what modesty is. And while that it super important to note, can we also take a step back and acknowledge the bigger picture here?

Now, more than ever, woman who visibly identify as Muslim or are wearing traditional Islamic clothing in public, are being attacked. They're being bullied, harassed, thrown into train tracks and oncoming traffic. They're being targeted, criticized, and even attempted to be burned alive. Don't believe me? Check it out here.

However, one thing is undoubtedly clear. That in today's time wearing a hijab is no longer just an act of submission. It's an act of courage. It's an act of strength and even rebellion. Muslim women are single-handedly fighting battles with nothing but a scarf around their heads, that many others couldn't even combat with swords, arms and gears by their sides.

 "Muslim women are single-handedly fighting battles with nothing but a scarf around their heads, that many others couldn't even combat with swords, arms and gears by their sides."

 So while yes, many of us struggle to fit the pixel perfect definition of hijab, bottom line is we're struggling nonetheless. We're struggling to stay true to our faith, we're struggling to please God, all while struggling internally with the added judgement from society.

And while we're being attacked from all corners of the world because of what we choose to embrace outwardly, the last thing we need is for our own Muslim community to dismiss our efforts. So when you see a Muslim woman and she's covered but not to your liking, it's easy to throw out a 'that's not hijab' comment. But you know what's more helpful? Praying for her. Advising her privately with caution and care. And asking God to grant this young lady a journey that is self-enlightening, spiritually-fulfilling, self-reflecting and one that is so inspirational that she inspires coming generations of women to embrace their faith on their heads and bodies with pride.

 Written by: Nashiha Pervin

#Hijab #HijabFashion #Verona #VeronaCollection #Modestfashion #IslamicFashion #Modesty

10 Responses


October 06, 2016

This is incredible writing. Thank you for speaking things we’re all thinking about.


October 04, 2016

Very nice article. We all are at different levels in terms of the challenges we face with our deen; it’s best to cultivate a culture of education, understanding and love.

Shukran Sister.


October 03, 2016

Wonderful article, and thank you for addressing the harassment and assaults Muslim women have been experiencing. May Allah SWT guide us all.

samira abushaban
samira abushaban

October 03, 2016

that was an amazing article mashaalah


October 03, 2016

I like ur articles. Masha Allah. May Allah bless u!!


October 03, 2016

& may Allah swt guide us towards wearing it in a manner that pleases HIM!, Ameen!


October 03, 2016

Excellent Article! Thanks so much for posting this. We as women needed to read/hear this. Its so hard for us to wear hijab as it is in this day and age. Not everyone grew up wearing it or were raised in families where we were told it was mandatory after puberty. So for all the ladies who chose to wear it (however you do), I salute you! I chose to wear it after I got married. My husband didn’t tell me to, my parents didn’t tell me to. I wore it on my own. I wear it the way that makes me feel confident and I am aware that I might get the “that’s not hijab” comments passed my way but its the only way I have it on my head at the moment. May Allah swt make it easy for all of use women who are struggling to wear it and keep it on.


October 03, 2016

Such an on point theme and you are absolutely correct. I cried while reading this since I’ve seen this happen a lot and to myself as well. Even from people who claim to love me and accept my reversion to Islam, have been some of my biggest haters. I agree 110% that, as women, we need to build each other up rather then tear each other down. In more things then just hijab, too. I don’t know when it became the norm to do this but it needs to stop. We are Sisters and as such we need to band together.


October 03, 2016

Women can be our own worst enemies sometimes. Wearing hijab takes all shapes and forms and we need to be proud of anyone taking even the slightest of steps toward their Creator during these times. Beautifully stated in this article and shared with the Muslim women in my community already. Jazak Allah Khair!


October 03, 2016

This post was amazing! We all need to start somewhere and what might seem easy to someone can be a real struggle to someone else. Thank you for this amazing blog post!

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